Psychedelic Pointer 9

Do you really want to know the thoughts of a mad scientist?

  • take me home
    This is the place where I will regularly write down my thoughts and the things that have happened throughout my day and such. See it as a digital err public diary :)
  • 12-09-24 13:03 I had promised myself I no longer would be late for class. I was gonna be there on time. But then after rushing to my bike, I had forgotten my battery. My electric bike is hella heavy without the help of a battery, but I had no time to go back and get it. I rushed to class, and I have not strained my muscles this hard in forever. Running up stairs right after, did not help my situation. And of course, I still arrive late. I decided to just embrace my lateness by heading to the bathroom to do some stretches. If im gonna strain my muscles and be late anyways then i might aswell try to be less aching for tomorrow. My legs feel like rubber and I'm annoyed at myself for ruining my attendance even more.

    29-08-24 18:21 Well, I suppose it was bound to happen. For the first time in my life, I have gotten corona. Sucks. I had started to come to the belief that I was unable to catch it, actually. Turns out my germophobia was the one that had saved me all along. Well until now. Due to the improvement of my mental health, I had gotten a bit less uptight about my phobia and maybe that was it. Either way, this fever is hitting hard. I havent had such a big fever before, at least not one i can remember. I'm mostly upset about not being able to attend class. I think I legally could go if I wanted to, but I wouldnt dream of exposing my classmates. I'll wait till im healthy again, but goddamn, it sucks. I already have bad attendance, and despite me being really good at the subject, hence not minding skipping the lecturing part of my classes, I still really want to keep up with the topics and homework. Either way, I'm trying my best to rest, just kidding im not, because I have a hard time resting. It's hard to sleep when my body hurts so much and I dont like doing nothing. I need to be occupied constantly otherwise my brain starts to think too much. I know that sounds a little silly, but honestly I just don't like being alone with my thoughts, I tend to stress out about everything I need to get done and my anxiety also starts overthinking stupid stuff. So I do my best to constantly stay distracted, but that's so hard when I can't even do anything. My body is so tired and aching. I cannot speak due to my throat being hoarse.

    19-08-24 19:08 God, I can't believe I made this blog over 2 years ago. I felt like it was time to start a bit fresh. I still want to talk about my feelings, thoughts and experiences on here, but I feel like I want to turn this into a more broad blog. Example, reviews, stories, headcanons etc. Feels nice to start fresh, doesnt it?

    17-06-22 15:43 So Hi, I guess I might try to blog a bit, I've never done that before, and it's not really like I care about anyone reading it, I just think it might be a nice way to keep track of my life lmao. I'd rather do it here than on Tumblr where randos can reblog ur posts, if I ever happen to blog about anything personal, y'know? So anyways today, I'm a little down bc I was gonna go to a concert with my brother but I'm still sick. I should take it easy, I haven't been doing that lately.

    16-06-22 anyways and Here is a picture of my cat :).
    Here he is: